
Speeding Up Singular Value Thresholding

In this paper, we discuss a Singular Value Thresholding (SVT) algorithm for matrix completion proposed by Cai et. al. The SVT is a simple first-order and an easy to implement algorithm that is efficient at addressing problems that have low rank solutions. We evaluate the performance of the algorithm and its different SVD variants on 3 different datasets - (E1) randomly generated matrices (E2) matrix of Geodesic distances between cities (E3) student learning datasets.

Generative Adversarial Networks: Using the Discriminator as a Classifier
with Arvi Gjoka and Yun Bin Zhang

In this project, we tried to investigate how well can a discriminator act as an independent classifier. We ran experiments to evaluate its performance against VGG.

with Shivaditya Sinha

In this project, we worked on a various small-scale data driven informal research projects. Code and articles:

What does Twitter have to say about Trump's Executive Order on Immigration?

The Video War – A Rising Facebook Challenges YouTube’s Dominance

Programming Challenges

I try to solve programming problems in my free time. Here is a repository with some of my solutions.